Janelle and Kilee Celebrated as Graduating Seniors

Janelle Wilkinson and Kilee Simon, graduating Guilford ABC seniors, received multiple rounds of applause and plaudits from their proud families, ABC leaders, host families, representatives of Guilford schools, and a surprise guest at the annual End-of-Year Celebration, May 19, at the Nathaniel Greene Community Center.

Guilford High School principal, Julia Chaffe, praised the two scholars:

“Kilee, you fulfilled a leadership role throughout your high school years.”

“Janelle, you demonstrated yourself as a formidable negotiator!”

“You both are leaving Guilford High School a better place.”

She presented each young woman with a book of poetry by Amanda Gorman, who spoke her original poem, “The Hill We Climb,” at the Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, January, 2021.

Squeals of delight erupted from all six of the 2022-23 members of Guilford ABC when they encountered their former Guilford ABC housemate Lauren Cyrus, now a rising junior at Hampton University in Virginia, founded in 1868. In an impromptu speech, Lauren said, “I am able to have confidence, to be a mentor at college due to ABC. “You, my sisters, helped me grow and inspired me to just be – me.”

Lauren looked over at Lynn Prendergast, Resident Director of ABC who lives in an apartment at the Guilford ABC House on Church Street and offers continual guidance to the six women. Speaking with a catch in her voice, she said. “Lynn, you have a pure heart.”

The current residents of ABC House looked at their “second mother” with faces filled with emotion.

When Lynn took the microphone, she acknowledged the six young women before her with a loving smile. Then, speaking of the two graduates, she recounted their talents, saying “they are ready to spread their wings.

Janelle who matriculates at Muhlenberg College, a private liberal arts college in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, first began speaking with praise of Lauren who had finished the ABC program two years before her.

“You had a crucial role in forming who I am today, Lauren. And Lynn, you were always there for me, providing solutions, organizing activities, telling valuable stories, and being an exceptional second mother to me. Ms. Chaffe, as GHS principal you made me the best version of myself.” She concluded with individual praise of each of her ABC “sisters” and their specific skills that meant so much to her along her high school journey.

Kilee who heads for Boston University in a few months wanted to find the right word to capture ABC and the town of Guilford. She decided that all-encompassing word was “Community.

“In Guilford, we all know each other. My many memories are tiny specks of gold dust.” She listed the experiences that had shaped her: senior class president, a volunteer in elementary schools, the lead in the school play, and felt she became “a vessel of change.” Kilee lauded her “five adopted sisters” and advised them to “never stop testing your limits.”

Judy Wright, Guilford ABC co-president, announced that Kilee and Janelle each are receiving a Guilford Foundation College Education Award of $2500 for each year of college and other funding for their post-secondary education.

Floral arrangements for the event tables were created and contributed by Kate McNellis of Folklore Flower Company.