Two Years in Review

Jasmine, Andrea, Kilee, Janelle, Tamojah and Kyra were thrilled by a visit from 2021 graduate, Lauren Cyrus, at the year-end celebration in May.


I am rewriting this message on the day of the Supreme Court’s six to three decision ruling affirmative action in college admissions unconstitutional. It remains to be seen what impact this imposition of “color-blindness” on the selection process will have on our scholars. There is no question that the upending of the status quo at selective colleges and universities will lead to years of scrambling to maintain some semblance of equity and inclusion while complying with the rollback of policies that acknowledge the reality of racial bias in education and the workplace. The language of the ruling places the onus on teenage college applicants to “discuss” in their essays how generations of systemic racism has affected their lives. In this context, providing our scholars with the tools they need to pursue competitive academic tracks and build their resumes will be even more important to their success going into GABC’s next 50 years than it has been since 1974 when we welcomed the first scholars.

With the end of my two-year term as board Co-President on June 30, I am trying to wrap my head around all that has happened in those 24 months. It has truly been an honor to be directly involved in the lives and accomplishments of our scholars and to work with the tireless team of staff and volunteers who keep the program humming along through the highs and lows of teenage life, rigorous academics, scheduling curveballs, leaky pipes, flooded basements, college search stresses, new scholar selection for the coming year, and more. It is a joy to see how these six young women have become sisters who support one another and their peers, who truly enjoy spending time together. Our two 2023 graduates, Kilee Simon and Janelle Wilkinson, chose to spend graduation night with their housemates rather than attending Project Graduation with their classmates. Needless to say, it is bittersweet to see them move on, but we couldn’t be prouder of who they are and what they have both accomplished.

Stay tuned for the fall newsletter and watch our website for reports from our rising seniors, Andrea Kaluma and Jasmine Laryea, on their summer CIEE travels to Morocco and South Africa, respectively. We will also welcome two new freshman and welcome back our rising sophomores, Kyra and Tamojah.

I wish all the best to our 2023-24 Co-Presidents, Judy Wright and Laura Berkowitz Gilbert, to be ably assisted by Nancy Patton as Vice-President.