Celebrations & Transitions


The end of the school year and the beginning of July each year mark important milestones for GABC. This is when we watch our seniors graduate from GHS and leave us to prepare for their next steps on their educational paths. This year’s graduate, Arianna Alvarez Pena, will be heading for Tufts in the fall with a full scholarship. We are thrilled for her and couldn’t be prouder of her many accomplishments during her four years under our roof. We have watched her blossom from a shy, observant freshman into a self-assured, motivated young woman who knows what she wants and is going after it.

We look forward to watching our two dynamic rising seniors follow in Arianna’s footsteps as they navigate the challenges and choices of senior year. After ending her junior year having been elected Co-President of the senior class, Kilee Simon is traveling to Ghana with CIEE this summer on a full scholarship. Janelle Wilkinson will be spending a month in London, also on a full scholarship from CIEE. Stay tuned for reports on their experiences in the fall!

We kicked off our summer with the annual MJ Petretto Foundation golf fundraiser at the Wallingford Country Club in June. Despite storms that shortened play it was a great event! We are grateful to all who participated on our behalf, and to the M.J. Petretto Foundation for once again supporting GABC with a portion of the proceeds from this event.

July 1 marked a changing of the guard on our board with retirements and election of new members. As I write this, I have just begun my second year as Co-President. Long-time board member Judy Wright has stepped up to the other Co-President spot as Marie Berry makes a well-deserved transition to the Advisory Board after more than 15 years of service, the last 3 as board President. Heartfelt thanks to both Marie and Judy for their dedication and hard work supporting our scholars and keeping GABC running smoothly despite COVID-19 and the many day-to-day challenges of overseeing a household of active teenagers.

Others departing the board include Susan Renner, who served ably and tirelessly as our Treasurer for 3 years; Lisa Rogers, who did an amazing job with overseeing the recruitment and screening of new scholars; Susan Welsh, who headed up Student Life and will continue to manage insurance for us as a member of the Advisory Board; Cathy O’Keefe, who served as Vice President and headed the Personnel committee; and Mary Lane, who served on House and Grounds. We are grateful to all for your commitment to GABC.

Finally, we welcome a multi-talented roster of new board members: Mary Cosgrove, Pam Glasser, Dani Howard, Mike Hryb, Mark Mackowiak, and Jenny Schaffer. We will also welcome two talented new freshmen in September, Kyra and Tamojah.

We are deeply grateful for all of our donors and sponsors, volunteers for GABC and the Hole in the Wall, and our amazing staff who all work together to support our mission. Visit guilfordabc.org to check the latest news or make a donation—and enjoy the summer while it lasts!

GABC will mark its 50th anniversary in 2024. To honor this milestone, please consider providing for the next 50 years by adding a legacy gift to GABC to your estate plans. If you have questions about this please contact Georgia Cosgrove at gabcmain@gmail.com.