Holy Smokes! Hole in the Wall is on Fire!

Let’s face it, there aren’t many businesses in Guilford today that were around when the Hole in the Wall (HITW) was founded in 1974 to Support Guilford ABC. Think Bishop’s, Page Hardware, Frank’s Package Store, Guilford Savings Bank, the Coin Exchange, and J.J. Sullivan. There aren’t many more survivors of the fickle whims of local commerce in the downtown area.

And not only has HITW survived, but it has also expanded and thrived, first moving to the current Boston Street location from the Water Street shops, and then expanding into additional space that became available in 2018. Despite fears that the four-month shutdown during COVID would curtail the momentum, business has been better than ever, and the revenue has continued as a vital component of the Guilford ABC operating budget. All those months we spent at home yielded a bonanza of donations and consignments that translated into strong sales, and word spread through Best of the Shoreline accolades, word of mouth, and social media that in this new era in which “thrifting” has lost its stigma, HITW is one of the best destinations around for selection and value. We not only provide quality merchandise at affordable prices in a time of many economic challenges, but we are loved by our loyal customers—and we are cool!

But there is a caveat. This level of success is labor intensive. Since the beginning, the HITW business plan has relied heavily on volunteers. Patty Sullivan and her team of managers are amazing, but they can’t do it all. Sadly, but not surprisingly, we lost a number of volunteers during the pandemic. So, as all survivors do, we pivot. We were fortunate to hire Tarren Bailey as our newest manager. Tarren comes to the job with a multifaceted skill set that includes professional photography, marketing, and work with volunteers. She will be assuming the role of Volunteer Coordinator to help rebuild and nurture our pool of volunteers to support our paid staff. She will also be in charge of our social media presence. You can contact her at hiwabc@gmail.com if you want to sign up for a volunteer shift or have a contact with a civic or church group that you would like to share.

Welcome Tarren and kudos to Patty, Christina, Joanie, Bette, Katie, Amy, and Ella for jobs well done! t