Anticipating Spring

Anticipating Spring
From President Marie Berry

This March we mark the one-year anniversary of the pandemic that has affected us all. We have been so fortunate, with the help of our amazing staff, volunteers, and board members, to keep our scholars safe. We continue to follow COVID protocols and anticipate vaccines for most by the end of spring, so that we can enjoy the warmer weather and outdoor activities. In addition, we look forward to socializing and the return to in-school learning, four days a week, at Guilford High School that began March 15th.

Like many local organizations, Hole in the Wall, the primary source of income for Guilford ABC, was affected by the pandemic and forced to close for four months. Although our operating funds were impacted, we are grateful to those at Hole in the Wall, its volunteers and the Guilford community that have provided much needed and appreciated assistance throughout the year. It does take a village!

It’s because of you and so many others that we’ve been able to maintain our staff, provide technical and educational support for our scholars, and continue our mission. I am proud of Guilford ABC and our amazing scholars who have bonded, worked together and accomplished so much during this challenging year. They are our future leaders — we will continue to strive to have their voices heard as we help them grow as individuals and succeed academically.

Corinne Wilson and Elisa Milano spent a Friday evening cooking dinner and baking with the girls.

Corinne Wilson and Elisa Milano spent a Friday evening cooking dinner and baking with the girls.

Arianna, Taylor, Lauren, Kilee, Janelle & Jasmine.

Arianna, Taylor, Lauren, Kilee, Janelle & Jasmine.